The Secret Garden School

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It is an honour to be the Executive Headteacher at such an inspirational and inclusive school, where every day I am motivated by our pupils, their parents and our staff, who all continually demonstrate strength and resilience within everyday life.

We are committed to promoting a broad and balanced curriculum with high expectations for all pupils, and we work hard to ensure that we sustain and maintain positive links with their families.  

The Secret Garden is a small Independent School situated on an eight- acre farm site, which educates up to 76 pupils from Early Years to Post 16, with a range of needs that are supported through the day-to-day school experience, specialist interventions, as well as external Professionals.

All of our pupils have an Education, Health and Care Plan in place, and we use a range of different therapies to support the challenges that pupils face. In addition to this we have our Multi- Disciplinary team (MDT) which works alongside pupils, families, and staff. The MDT team includes Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, specialist autism teachers and family support workers.

At The Secret Garden, all pupils are encouraged to strive to be the best version of themselves, and we hope that pupils leave our school with the skills needed to prepare them for adulthood and to become positive members of their communities in order to contribute to society.

Here, at The Secret Garden, we believe that every moment is a learning opportunity and that every day matters to a pupil’s individual educational journey.

Please take some time to browse our website or feel free to make contact with us for more information or to arrange a visit.

The whole Secret Garden family look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Best wishes,

Annette Gadd

Executive Headteacher