Designated Safeguarding Lead: Elle Somers
Contact the DSL: or 07483377872
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Holly Wilkins/ Annette Gadd
Other Safeguarding Leads: Dawn Holliday/ Danielle Brown/ Kay Powell
Family Support Worker: Danielle Brown
Our Safeguarding Policy:
Safeguarding Policy
download_for_offlineSafeguarding Policy
The Secret Garden school is totally committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. We recognise that this is the responsibility of everyone and we all, staff and visitors have an important role to play. We fully understand the role we play in safeguarding the youngest and perhaps most vulnerable members of our community and how through good multi-agency working we can help protect those too young to protect themselves.
As a school, we must have regard to current legislation when carrying our duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. It is the role of the leadership of the school to ensure that the appropriate mechanisms are in place to assist staff to understand and discharge their roles and responsibilities as set out in current legislation with regard to safeguarding children.
We firmly believe that:
- All children have the right to be protected from harm;
- Children need to feel safe and to be safe in our school;
- We can contribute to the prevention of abuse including physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, bullying, extreme behaviours, discriminatory views and risk taking behaviour;
- Children need support that matches their individual needs, including those who may have experienced abuse.
If you have a concern that any pupil is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive information (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact school reception as soon as possible and ask to speak to an available Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or alternatively email
Further information regarding how to keep children safe, identifying and preventing abuse and what help is available can also be found on the NSPCC Website.
In accordance with statutory guidance all Secret Garden Staff have receive regular safeguarding training and are fully aware of and are in compliance with the following guidance:
- Working together to Safeguard Children (DfE)
- Keeping Children Safe in Education: statutory guidance for schools and colleagues (DfE)
- The Procedures of different local authorities.
The Secret Garden School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All posts within the school will require enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance in addition to identification and qualification checks.
Further safeguarding information for parents and the below links has a range of advice for parents and carers in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people.
If you think a child is in immediate danger please dial 999 and contact the Police.
You can also find support via from the following services:
- Child Line 08001111
- Samaritans 116123
- Domestic Violence Hotline 08002000247
- MIND mental health support 03001233393
Warwickshire Safeguarding Contacts.
Children's Social Services- Duty and Advise 01926 414144 / 01926886922
Local Authority Designated Offer (LADO) 01926 743433
Education Safeguarding Manager 07966 224286
Early Help 01926 414147
Children Missing in Education 01926 736323
Elective Home Education 01926 736323
WSBC Manager 01926 410410
Child Sexual Exploitation 01926 684490
Educational Psychology Service 01926 742921
Special Domestic Abuse Service 0800 408 1552
Solihull MBC Contacts
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0121 788 4300
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO) 0121 788 4310
Early Help Team 0121 709 7000
Children Missing in Education 0121 704 6663
Elective Home Education 0121 704 6663
Educational Psychology Service 0121 704 6690
Birmingham Contacts
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0121 303 1888
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO) 0121 675 1669
Early Help Team 0121 303 1888
Children Missing in Education 0121 303 4983
Elective Home Education 0121 464 7215
Worcestershire Contacts
Children's Social Services 01905 822666
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO) 01905 846221
Early Help Team 01905 822666
Children Missing in Education
Elective Home Education 01905 846060
Educational Psychology Service
Walsall Contacts
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0300 555 2866
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO) 07951819648
Early Help Team 0300 555 2866 option 1
Children Missing in Education 0300 555 2866
Elective Home Education 01922 652860
Educational Psychology Service
Wolverhampton Contacts
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 01902 555392
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO) 01902 550477
Early Help Team 01902 554242
Children Missing in Education 01902 550621
Elective Home Education 01902 550621
Educational Psychology Service 01902 550609
Staffordshire Contacts
Children's Services 0300 111 8007
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO) 0300 111 8007
Early Help Team 0300 111 8007
Children Missing in Education
Elective Home Education 0300 111 8000
Educational Psychology Service 0300 111 8007
Coventry Contacts
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 024 7678 8555
Local Authority Duty Officer (LADO)
Early Help Team
Children Missing in Education 024 7678 8555
Elective Home Education 024 7683 1614
Educational Psychology Service 024 7678 8400